Hardcover Mechanics of Life Book Box
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5-Star award from LitPick Book Reviews! Read the review here.
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Includes SIGNED hardcover limited edition copy of Mechanics of Life, a beautiful steampunk pocketwatch, and a steampunk lanyard and DreamPunk Press branded small journal (designed by PortfoliMo). It also includes something sweet in a little collector tin and a set of vintage map stickers.
About the Book:
Quillian Watson is approaching the age of freedom and autonomy. But before she can celebrate, she and Dr. M--the human mechanist with whom she's apprenticing-lose a child patient brought in for a mechanical arm. While the aftermath leaves her tools bloody, it tarnishes more than the brass-clad operating room.
One misspoken word corrodes what's left of Quillian's idealistic world, and she begins to doubt who she knows to be good. A visit from a high-ranking Madam--the woman who placed Quillian in her apprenticeship--introduces her to the curious Grayson Holmes and his multitude of questions.
Missing prostitutes.
Stolen limbs.
And what do all these surgeries have to do with it?