Cinead Figures it Out - Trade Paperback
Cinead’s mother was born a Campbell, though she left the clan before her daughter was born. Now, with her mother gone, Cinead is back with the clan, even though she doesn’t always feel she belongs. She’d hoped to make friends with her cousin, Ana-Stacia, but so far, that hasn’t happened.
And then, there is Riley—the gorgeous steward for Poppy’s airship, the Stacia Rae.
When Cinead and Ana-Stacia are told to work on fixing the Stacia Rae—together—Cinead figures it will never work. They just don’t do well together. But when Riley is added to the equation, she has some incentive to make it work. But when her father arrives, as well as Riley’s family, things get awkward, and Cinead wonders if she’ll ever figure it out.
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