COVID-19 Precautions at DreamPunk Press


As with most businesses that handle manufactured items, during these strange days of isolation and quarantine we are taking precautions to help protect the health and welfare of our customers. We're small, so it is relatively easy for us.

When working around the physical items we sell (unpacking cartons, handling books and bookmarks, packing your orders, etc.) we are wearing masks, and allow no one with COVID-19 symptoms near these products. We are aware that paper books and boxes can harbor the virus that causes COVID-19, and so we are doing our best to keep these items free from exposure.

We have also begun offering many of our novels and novellas in additional digital formats, downloadable right from your purchase confirmation page. 

And as a gift to help you through these strange days of isolation and quarantine, we have made select novellas free (just use code Isolation) in their digital formats--and will continue to add new titles as this period lengthens.


Your Dreamer-in-Chief